(Thanksgiving 2019)
THURS (Pre-Prep day)
- Whipped Sweet Potato Pie
- Mashed Potatoes
- Orange/Cranberry Sauce
- GF Cornbread Muffins w/Cranberries
- GF Corn Pudding
- GF Cornbread for Stuffing
- Low-Fat Shredded Multi-Colored Carrot Ambrosia w/Mandarin Oranges & Rasins
- Pumpkin Pies
Refridgerate anything that needs it for tomorrow.
- Sautéed Onions (for the Mashed Potatoes
- Mir Poix & Sausage for Stuffing
- Turkey Breast (make sure Turkey is at least 3/4 cooked before Candle-lighting time)
- GF Cornbread Stuffing w/Leg/Wing and Gravy
- Stuffing w/Leg/Wing and Gravy
- Cocktails: Sauvage/PomJuice/Seeds
- Dips
DAY OF…Reheat the:
Whipped Sweet Potato Pie, Mashed Potatoes, and GF Corn Pudding an hour or so before your Friday night Shabbos dinner!
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Some Funny Shabbos Thanksgiving Torah
(but not really!)
Bayla Jacobson posted in Great Kosher Restaurant Foodies.
Kislev 5, 5778 and November 23, 2017
Dear Friends,
Based on the numerous requests I have been receiving about the issue of Thanksgiving; I have decided to compile a short guide which should be helpful to all in navigating these delicate halachos.
Hilchos Hodu
The Origin of Thanksgiving
1. Although the day is not explicit in the Torah there are Rishonim who find a Remez to the obligation to eat Turkey in the Passuk in Shir HaShirim 2:12; “V’Kol HaTur Nishma B’Artzeinu”- “and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land.” The first letter “K” of the word Kol combined with the last syllable of the word “HaTur”- spells Turk(ey).
2. From this Passuk the Rambam learns out a Rabbinic obligation to eat Turkey on Thanksgiving.
3. The obligation is specifically on the day of Thanksgiving- any Turkey eaten tonight will not fulfill your obligation of eating turkey on the day itself
4. The obligation begins at noon tomorrow (Thursday) and lasts until sunset
5. One must eat at least a Kezayis of Turkey before Shkiah
6. The firsts Kezayis must be eaten without any condiments as the poskim learn out a Gezeira Shava between Turkey day and Pesach; just like the first Kezayis of Matzah is eaten without salt; so too the first Kezayis of Turkey must be eaten without condiments including cranberry sauce.
7. There are those who are Makpid (very strict) to eat the first Kezayis within two minutes; there are other poskim who extend the window for the first Kezayis to nine minutes.
8. How big is a Kezayis of Turkey?
9. This is fascinating question, it is quoted in the name of the Rebbe Reb Fliegel that “Der Heintigeh zennen fill klenerer vie d’ershte”- the turkeys nowadays are much smaller than those of the original pilgrims.
10. For this reason, most Chariedish Yidden are careful to eat two Kezaysim of turkey within two minutes.
11. No talking should be done as the two Kezaysim are being consumed
12. According to YYK, a Kazayis is 8 ounces; so to be Yotzei all opinions, one must eat 16 ounces (one pound) of turkey in less than two minutes.
13. Preferably, one should insert the entire pound of turkey in their mouth at one time and chew without swallowing.
14. Optimally, one should attempt to swallow the entire Kezayis in one swallow; although for the elderly and the infirm they can be lenient and swallow half a pound in one swallow and the second half of the pound in a second swallow.
15. One should stand on one foot while eating their Kezayis and flap their hands in a turkey-like motion.
16. Before standing on one foot and before the wing flapping one should say out loud: “Zecher L’Bias America”- In memory of our coming to America
17. The head of the household should be careful that all his children and his wife are standing properly on one leg and flapping while consuming the entire pound of turkey in two minutes and in one swallow
18. One who is careful to eat Turkey in this manner will be guaranteed never to have any problems eating Matzah on Pesach
19. The first Kezayis must be consumed before 4:31 PM EST.
20. Kol HaMarbeh Harei Zeh Meshubach- there were great and holy Gedolim (large people) who were careful to eat an entire turkey on Thanksgiving.
21. The main thing is everyone should be smiling and happy
Part Two
Thanksgiving for Americans in Eretz Yisroel
1. Since there is a doubt as to when the first settlers of RBS arrived from America if they had time to eat turkey before Shkiah on Thursday, most poskim hold that Americans in Eretz Yisroel for Thanksgiving should observe two days of Yom Tov.
2. They are only obligated to eat turkey on both day
3. There is no obligation to stand on one leg and flap; although lately most have taken a stringent approach and most Americans now observe two full days of Thanksgiving while in Eretz Yisroel including pumpkin pie and stuffing
4. However, there is a dispute between RBS and Har Nof as to if an American is allowed to eat Turkey in public on Thanksgiving. The Minhag in RBS is to be Meikel and eat turkey even in public while in Har Nof most close their shutters and lights and eat their turkey quietly.
Minhagim of the Day
1. Al Pi Kabbalah there is a minhag to save the pulkah of this year’s Turkey and use it to “Klap Hamman” in Shul on Purim
2. However, the correct Minhag is to use the pulkah only to Klap the first, ninth and eleventh Haman
3. The Litvaks have a practice to eat their turkey ice cold
4. Hassidim are careful to have their turkey hot
5. There are those who sing bentching to the tune of “G-d Bless America”; others do not.
6. The Minhag some have to say “Gobble Gobble Gobble” to three different people is a Minhag b’Taus (a misplaced practice) and people mistakenly borrowed it from Kiddush Levanah.
7. The biggest and best Minhag is to be happy and always full of gratitude to Hashem and all those people who help us and allow to be happy each and every day of our lives!!!!
Enjoy your day!!!!
Elli thekingofbroadway Amen כן יהי רצון!
In my family we postpone (Hodu Nidchah) the day till Friday night (Shabbos) to avoid unnecessary hardship to the cook having to cook large meals two days in a row (1)(1.1)
(1) See Hilchos Tircha D’Bllaboostah 7:23)
(1.1) also similar to why one is allowed to cook on Yom Tov for the same day.)
Nidchah: Pushed off (ie a fast day that falls on Shabbos would be pushed off until Sunday)
Hilchos: Laws of
Tircha: Hardship
D’Balaboostah: Homemaker (usually Female, but not always)