With Rosh Hashanah soon approaching, the full list of Halacha Guides for the entire Tishrei is included.
Please note:
1. The addition of the Yom Kippur, Sukkos and Simchas Torah Guides.
2. Links to Machzor Companions for both Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.
3. A binder containing all the Halacha Guides in one file appears at the beginning.
2. Tishrei 5782 and Lockdown: http://bit.ly/TishreiVic
Although we remain hopeful this does not eventuate, this guide focuses on many details relevant to lockdown, for the entire month of Tishrei.
3. Selichos Guide: http://bit.ly/Slichos For the week of Selichos, up to and including Erev Rosh Hashana morning.
4. Pruzbul Online: https://bit.ly/Pruzbul The upcoming year, 5782 is a Shemittah year. There are various ways to perform Pruzbul; one option is through this online facility.
5. Rosh Hashana Guide: http://bit.ly/LCRoshH
Including the afternoon of Erev Rosh Hashana, Rosh Hashanah, Shabbos Shuvah and the Aseres Ymei Teshuvah.
6. Baal Tokeiah Guide: http://bit.ly/Tokeiah
Relevant to anyone who will be blowing Shofar, whether in Shule or on Mivtzoim.
8. Yom Kippur Guide: http://bit.ly/YomKipp
Including for Erev and Motzei Yom Kippur.
9. Sukkos Guide: http://bit.ly/LCSukkos Including the leadup to Sukkos, first days of Sukkos and Chol Hamoied.
10. Simchas Torah Guide: http://bit.ly/SimchasT
Including Hoshanah Rabbah, Shmini Atzeres, Simchas Torah and Shabbos Breishis.
Machzor Companion For those davening at home without a minyan, an easy to follow guide to the piyutim from chazoras hashatz with explanations, annotations and suggested niggunim.